Inside the town where three religions come together

<strong>In his footsteps: </strong>St. Paul's church, built in 1850, sits on the site of a much earlier place of worship dating to the 11th or 12th century
In his footsteps: St. Paul's church, built in 1850, sits on the site of a much earlier place of worship dating to the 11th or 12th century
Reynold Mainse/Design Pics RF/Getty Images
<strong>Healing waters: </strong>'St. Paul's well' is thought to date back to Roman times and is thought to heal believers.
Healing waters: 'St. Paul's well' is thought to date back to Roman times and is thought to heal believers.

<strong>From the lion's den: </strong>Old Testament character Daniel is thought to be buried in Tarsus.
From the lion's den: Old Testament character Daniel is thought to be buried in Tarsus.
Mehmet Kalkan/iStockphoto/Getty Images

<strong>Cometh the hour: </strong>The minaret of Ulu Camii, Tarsus’ Grand Mosque, doubles as a clock tower.
Cometh the hour: The minaret of Ulu Camii, Tarsus’ Grand Mosque, doubles as a clock tower.
Selcuk Oner/iStockphoto/Getty Images
<strong>Rags to riches: </strong>The lively Kırkkaşık Bedesten is a soup kitchen-turned market.
Rags to riches: The lively Kırkkaşık Bedesten is a soup kitchen-turned market.
YONCA60/Moment Unreleased RF/Getty Images
<strong>Three in one: </strong>Tarsus is a fascinating city which has historical importance for the Abrahamic faiths.
Three in one: Tarsus is a fascinating city which has historical importance for the Abrahamic faiths.
Esin Deniz/iStockphoto/Getty Images
<strong>Back in time: </strong>Take a stroll through the ancient buildings of the Old Town.
Back in time: Take a stroll through the ancient buildings of the Old Town.
Esin Deniz/iStockphoto/Getty Images
<strong>Lovers' lane: </strong>Cleopatra, for whom this ancient city gate is named, visited Roman commander Mark Antony here in 41 BCE.
Lovers' lane: Cleopatra, for whom this ancient city gate is named, visited Roman commander Mark Antony here in 41 BCE.
YONCA60/Moment Unreleased RF/Getty Images